Thursday, December 3, 2009

Social Networking is getting weird.

People are becoming "fans" of completely banal products that as far as i can tell have no actual competitor.

It's like those television commercials for Pork. When people think about how much they would love a nice juicy piece of bacon, they don't decide which animal they'd like it to come from. My girlfriend works at an Ad agency. None of them are busy working on a new Ad campaign titled, "Car, Its what's for driving."

And lets not ignore the strange chain of events that transpired here. Jesus Christ what a bizarre genesis. If you ask me it should be confiscated as evidence. Here's what obviously happened.......

  • there was an argument between a Mob boss and he wife (he thought the turkey was dry)
  • he got physical
  • she grabbed her electric carving knife and killed him
  • she let all her friends know that she was finally "single"
  • she fed his body to her friends (they thought it was dry)
  • she put all the leftover fiance in glad lock bags for sack lunches
  • and finally, she became the first Made Woman in the history of the mob by taking over her husbands job.

I wonder how Tom from Myspace is doing right now?

The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg sends out a mass letter and almost 33,000 people take the time to write a comment that will be lost forever in a black hole of nothingness. But it doesnt matter to them. They love Facebook.

Tom probably gets around 3 friend requests, 2 messages, and 8 or 9 comments every day. All from pedophiles and shitty bands. His white T-shirt is probably torn and dirty. His hair likely resembles a rats nest. Im sure hes considered deleting his profile a few times but never does it cause it feels too close to suicide.

When you think about it Facebook and MySpace are kinda like Target and WalMart. Ones got a little touch of class while the other makes you feel like you're in the presence of child molesters and future child molesters.

Keep your temples clean and stick with Facebook and Target.

And finally, in an apparent effort to attract worthless customers, some game making genius' on Facebook are touting their easy and addictive game.

When someone says that to you on Facebook it doesn't seem that bad. But when someone says that to you on the street its a felony. Thats something heroin dealers say.
"Hey kid put down that book and find a vein. Everybody knows life's hard. What you need is an easy and addictive game"

But Im a fan of The Ankeny Chamber of Commerce so what do i know?


  1. I've seen ads that are put out by the egg council. Iowa has an egg council. I wonder if these are volunteer positions or if this is an actual job? 10% of America is out of work, not the egg council.

  2. I like eggs. im thinking about an over easy one right now.

    ive heard its closer to 20%. So if our country was a high school most people would feel like theyre B- students. but I bet most people feel more like theyre taking a class Pass-Fail.

    I love you
