Monday, June 7, 2010

Poem for '67

start the year by skipping church
then name a battle after your home town
become part of the sleep freeze
astronauts keep dying
but now soldiers are planting seeds
so find Jimmy Hoffa while you still can

remember how greasy coups can tame kings 
imagine giant simians singing sad songs 
and all of a sudden the world contracts before your eyes
so sign up for a riot if you're so bored
squash secessions
lead people then spend their money
swap hearts with someone
and when all else fails blame it on the Mothman
or maybe black holes


  1. sorry gary i never check these comments. again, i blame it on the mothman. or Richard Gere.

    im not even signed in right now. but trust me, its me. ill get a handle on this internet thing sooner or later.

